War of the Sun


An Ioth Academy Story

Anacra lies broken. The iron grip of Uzhul the Destroyer holds empires in thrall. Murderous hordes of Raveners tear across villages with a brutal ultimatum: become like us, or die. In their smoke-belching industrial cities, the Designers drag captured innocents for their experiments, transforming them into monstrosities. Evil is everywhere, and it’s growing stronger.

Against the Infernals and their minions, the people of Anacra stand divided. The Ten Dragon Tribes of Okarthel and the Priest Kingdoms each mourn dead gods, suspicious of each other and infiltrated from within. Ioth Academy, the great school of magic, keeps the balance while unraveling deadly conspiracies that threaten them all. Battle lines are drawn, armies stand forth, and the fate of Anacra hangs in the balance of the War of the Sun.

What is War of the Sun?

War of the Sun is an ongoing fantasy saga played out in two main forms. Firstly, in Book of Dawn: Ioth Academy, a weekly Dungeons & Dragons stream starring Khroen, LEGDAY, LemonKiwi & TormentedByGnomes. In this campaign, three young students at a school of magic discover their terrible destinies, and their choices will shape the fate of the world for years to come. Second, in a Crowns & Castles campaign running alongside Ioth Academy. This grand strategy game of politics, intrigue and warfare features many different players, including streamers, creators, storytellers and more. Each player or group of players controls a single realm, building its settlements, negotiating with other realms, dispatching its agents and commanding its armies. Actions in one game affect the other, and each week new player-driven plot twists arise.

Where can I follow War of the Sun?

Watch Ioth Academy live or on our YouTube channel

Join the Casters & Castles Discord server

Follow us on Twitter & Facebook

How can I participate?

If you are a creator who wants to rule a realm in Anacra, email info@castersandcastles.com!

You can change the course of the War with Streamloots event cards. Gain Streamloots cards through giveaways on your channel, by purchasing Card Packs, or by Subscribing on Streamloots. All proceeds support the channel and the efforts to run this ongoing story.